
Sunday 29 July 2012

Stale mana breeds zombies

Over the week, the condition of legacy/classic did not change much with the drought continuing despite legacy being the Mocs format.

I tried to get QPs by playing Pauper to a sad outcome with a mono blue delver deck. It was easily outclassed by a cloudpost deck and storm although I did win an infect deck between those. I don't understand how 4 Dazes would work maindeck in this format. Just how weak are the players to not even try to play around it?

Speaking of which, I traded a Foil promo Maze of Ith away for 2x foil Daze (50 ea).
I guess there isn't much reason to hold on to the promos since I've let go of so many to date.

Prereleases are this week but since the week is ending anyway, I guess I'll wait till post downtime to get into the release events for more value. At this point, I am doubtful of even qualifying for the coming MOCS. I suppose it is really not easy to work and play unless I am into more of the mainstream formats.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Dreadstill Testing

With both MOCS promos from the last 2 months calling out to something in me, I ran an old Dreadstill list in the TP room that is slightly upgraded with some of my landstill tech and some other modifications.

The deck itself plays like it did from 2 years ago and my opponents didn't seem to be wielding very strong decks that I couldn't handle so I easily picked up win after wins. It's not really interesting to find out that I do not need to make additional work out of a few tweaks to be relevant in the format again.

It doesn't help that it doesn't look like Legacy DEs are going to fire so serious testing looks bleak. It gets difficult at this point because I cannot prepare for the format and qualify at the same time.

Let's see how it goes.

Saturday 21 July 2012

Mtgo Beta Client

When I saw that I could get a booster pack for playing in a tournament with the new beta client, I downloaded the said client to try out the new system.
Pros 1) Downloading was incredibly fast.
I logged in to find a very unfamiliar interface.
Pros 2) It had msn messenger-like pop up notices when friends logged in. I liked that.
I went to look at tournaments and I tried to enter one.
Cons 1) I couldn't find the prize payout.
Cons 2) I could not sort the featured tournaments
Pros 3) The tournament page opened a new window so I suppose managing the event would be better than before.
Pros 4) I can see who and how long more it would take before it begins

I went into the TP room to find a very messy page with the annoying featured tournaments still there.
I tried a legacy game.
Cons 3) The chatbox can't be docked.
Cons 4) I was playing Apprentice instead of MTGO
Cons 5) Foils look ugly.
Cons 6) Searching for cards in the library was a huge pain because they were not neatly sorted like they were in the past and I had to scroll right to search my deck. Foils were very hard to see.
Cons 6) Revealed cards had to be looked at from the revealed tab on the right.
Cons 7) Attacking only moved the creature up so I could barely tell that my creature was going to attack.
Cons 8) The stack looked very uneven with different sized objects (spells/abilities) in it.
Cons 9) Once a deck is submitted during sideboarding, you cannot resubmit a different configuration until the end of the next game.
Cons 10) The deckbuilder is hard to use with the small space allocated for the deck's usage and the display of the deck is so ugly and squeezed in. Deck building is just repulsive.
Pros 5) The decks are on the left so pulling them out seems to be easier.
Cons 11) Classifieds is so hard to read with wrapped text in an allocated space.
Pros 6) You can see previous people whom you have traded with.
Cons 12) I try to look at my avatars and it looks like one from a forum. It tells me that I need some more but I don't think I have seen those anywhere.
Cons 13) I need to mouseover to see the name of the avatar.
Pros 7) It seems easier to find which avatar you want to use.
Cons 14) Trading without the sets tabs is so difficult with you having to have to filter out what you need or typing the specific cards names.
Cons 15) The trade button was under where all the popups came in.

Overall, it feels like a very bad experience considering how v3 is and also
having seen dotp which this is a far cry from. I am tempted to get an ipad to be able to carry around a dotp.
It is definitely a pity that they are not taking the good parts of v3 to do up v4. I am rather disappointed to be honest.
If this is the future of MTGO, I'd rather have v3. Have you seem how the cards look like? Yuck!

Friday 13 July 2012


MOCS Legacy's promo is Regrowth.

Dear Wotc,

Why is your marketing strategy so weak nowadays?

I know that Regrowth is a Legacy playable card with the Pyromancer's Ascension deck but couldn't you have more smartly picked out a card more fitting for the format? In fact, Phyrexian Dreadnought should have been this month if you really wanted to have a promo card for Legacy.

From a marketing standpoint, promos that match the format will create much more value to the player because they can immerse into the format better. It's like giving out promo Commandposts to a Commander event. Commander players would love to have one and feel that they know the format enough to have a shot at the event. Basically, it pulls enthusiasts and creates an environment of excitement.

To be honest, my expectations were significantly doused with the announcement. There are many choices for the promo that would have made much sense but pulling a random card out of the bag does not do it.

Did I mention that the TNM promo is a card already given to people recently in the player rewards system?

Please try harder or get a better person to handle these.


The Legacy Quest

The next MOCS has been announced as being the Legacy format and the season will start after the next downtime.

Legacy has been a waning format on Mtgo along with Classic. The most recent Legacy data would have to come from the Legacy GPs and the SCG opens.

From what I see, I would probably play either the popular UGR delver, UW stoneblade, UB/G tombstalker, counterbalance or the Sam Black Gravecrawler deck. I was already impressed with Gravecrawler in legacy but I suppose Blood Artist is what pushed the archetype forward.

Legacy cards aren't cheap though. To get the UGR deck up I would need to fork out about $80 just on commons and uncommons from masques block...

I hope that Legacy DEs fire in my timezone (if at all) and I'll try to work towards at least qualifying for the event. The lack of time I have now is such a beating. :(

Let's see how things go..

Monday 9 July 2012

M13 Prerelease

On Saturday, I went to a local shop prerelease and the people count was abysmally unimpressive. With a total of 17 players of which a majority were casual players, I was not very impressed.

My pool was less than impressive with the highlight being the 2 ironic cards staring at me;

My only playable rare was Krenko the Goblin maker so it was generally not very strong.
M13 was more core set like compared to M12 and all the useful "core skills" were easily utilized to good effectiveness.

I went 2-0 easily against the newer players but round 3 I won one, got insanely mana flooded with 7 lands in hand and 5 lands in hand when the game ended. Last game I got crushed by the card quality of my opp. Let's just say his 3/3s cost 2 mana while mine costed 4 mana.
Round 4 was decent but I stopped drawing gas and a Primeval Hydra said hi. I obviously said bye.

Here are some cool playmats I took pictures of:

I left the place feeling a little down. I guess whoever said that local shop prereleases were better than the large collective ones should be shot. Just so underwhelming compared to the older prereleases. I am sure that I had a better experience with kamigawa (no idea why people hated the block).