
Sunday 28 June 2015


The past two weeks, I've been trying out Food Chain and discovered the power of Carpet of flowers.
I went 4-0 and 3-1 and 3-2 with Food Chain for a total of 10-3.
Last night I designed a deck to crush miracles and show and tell but was forced a draw against reanimator (which I would have won with another turn) and lost 2 rounds to creature decks which my prototype was fairly weak to.  I'm having to figure out what I want to play for GP Lille next weekend. I have the infinite LCQs to do a final run but I probably would fall back to my delver deck that I am more familiar with unless I am more certain of the European metagame which my testing would probably be inaccurate for.

My modern gp run was 5-4 so I don't think I clocked much planeswalker points. I hope that next week would be a good week. Modern was quite crushing mentally with my deck hating me and me already hating the format but I think I should be able to hold my ground in Legacy. My target is the Legacy GP at the end of the year where I hope to get some crucial byes at. Lille would be a place to start to see what Legacy out of Asia and MTGO is like. I suspect the best Legacy players are in Europe but I'll see it for myself with my own way and put everything I have out there.

I hope I can clock some good sleep hours as I have a bad staying habit of getting too excited and not getting proper rest. I was really drained the past two days and I am going off to France in awhile.
I want myself to enjoy the GP.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

4-0 with Food Chain

Last night's Legacy event was smaller than usual with only 12 people.
I managed to go 4-0 with Food Chain which I am considering playing for GP Lille.
I beat UWR stoneforge, DNT (with a 1-0 lead from my opp being late), Omnitell and UR delver.
I think the biggest problem I have is that I did well and did not have too much to struggle with.
That may be good for the outcome of the day but it definitely isn't very good for testing.

There are 2 main reasons why I wanted to play Food Chain:
1) It runs basics (and I can play my Singapore Island which I can't in my delver deck).
2) I got whooped by it.
The play that stuck in my mind was my opponent had a Food Chain, a fresh Deathrite Shaman and was tapped out. He exiled Deathrite for mana, and removed cards from the yard to cast Tasigur, exiled it to start the Griffin chains into Emrakul. Woot!

I tend to be very taken aback by the times when I get dominated by a certain archetype.
Following that, the brainstorm process starts to kick in and I try to find means and ways to overcome those archetypes. It's not too difficult to find broad solutions to specific problems.
My losses to lands had evolved my delver deck to have a much strong game against the lands deck.
My losses to Miracles brought my delver deck to a certain configuration much stronger against it as well.
However, I do give up to burn which I figured would probably require too many slots to properly fight.
I do not have a particularly strong 75 versus Food Chain.

I figured that Food Chain is probably at its peak of power with Dig Through Time and Tasigur being in the format and was very drawn to the deck so I took it out for a spin last night.

Legacy is difficult to test because it's not difficult to do well with any deck.
I played a few different decks to at least 3-1 finishes and it's not very indicative of how strong the deck is overall despite being able to see where its weakness lies since it comes down to the matchups and how to deal with their weaknesses and strengths. It becomes very difficult to say "this is the deck I want to play" if it's like that.

Anyway, I'm not too sure of what I am playing still or how to tweak the Food Chain deck and I have a Wed and a Fri (GP Side Event) and perhaps a Sun GP side event) to figure out.