
Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Another 3-1 with UR Gifts-still (without standstill)!

I went back to the Wednesday Legacy tournament (about 16man) with an upgraded version of last week's deck.

I went back thinking how I could improve the deck and I came to an answer in Gifts Ungiven which I replaced Fact of Fiction for.
I swapped a Crucible of Worlds for Life from the Loam.
This meant that I could easily Loam + Punishing Fire + Grove of Burnwillow.
I put in 2x Engineered Explosives and an Acedemy Ruins so that I could have a better Counterbalance matchup. I could Gifts Ungiven for them with Loam as well.
I was considering putting in Regrowth so that I can have a pile with Snapcaster Mage to be able to tutor anything out but opted not to for now so that my graveyard reliance would be less.

UR Gifts-still
4 Mishra's Factory
2 Wasteland
1 Faerie Conclave
4 Scalding Tarn (Borrowed 3x)
1 Volcanic Island (borrowed)
2 Steam Vents
3 Island
1 Snow-covered Island
1 Mountain
2 Grove of the burnwillows
1 Tropical Island
1 Academy Ruins 

2 Ancestral Vision
4 Brainstorm
3 Spell Snare
1 Spell Pierce
1 Divert
3 Stifle
2 Lightning Bolt
3 Punishing Fire
2 Counterspell
3 Snapcaster Mage
2 Young Pyromancer
1 Life from the Loam
1 Dismember
2 Gifts Ungiven
2 Force of Will
2 Engineered Explosives
1 Fire/Ice
1 Izzet Charm (very useful esp when you need to kill Xantid Swarms) 36

2 Izzet staticaster
2 Pyroclasm
2 Surgical Extraction
2 Relic of Progenitus
2 Mindbreak Trap
1 Counterflux
1 Ancient Grudge
3 Pyroblast

I won round 1 vs Belcher (and the guy was double eventing irl!!!), round 2 vs the ritual storm deck, lost round 3 to counterbalance top -_-" (again) and won round 4 against a monoblack smallpox deck.

Vs Belcher
Game 1, I happened to have Force of Will game 1 and he scooped.
Game 2, I had some assortment of counter magic but the key was my sideboarded Ancient Grudge which managed to eat up 2x Goblin Charbelchers. He ritualled to 4 mana, cast Goblin Charbelcher, dropped a Lion's Eye Diamond and I Ancient Grudged the Belcher. Soon after, he cast another which I Spell Pierced and he cracked the LED to pay for it. I put down my Grove of Burnwillows and flashbacked. ;)
Then I slowly attacked with Mishra's Factories for the win.

Vs Storm
Game 1, he Duresses me, and goes off.
Game 2, he all in-ed on the red flashback spell but I had Mindbreak Trap which conveniently exiles the card.
Game 3, his Xantid Swarms came up and he randomly attacked. I randomly had a Faerie Conclave in play untapped by his second attack so I randomly animated and blocked. He drew another but I got an answer for it. I had a good number of counters so managed to beat him down.

Vs Counterbalance
Game 1, I cast Gifts Ungiven for my loam package after I failed to stop Counterbalance from resolving with Sensei's Divining Top in play. He had Snapcaster Mage in the top 3 cards so I could not resolve my Life from the Loam to get the engine going.
Game 2, Engineered Explosives managed to clear Counterbalance twice but Jace resolved on the other side and I only could beat with a lone Snapcaster Mage (where were you my manlands?). I drew lands and some useless cards so he won on Jace, TMS.

Vs MonoBlack
Game 1, I Gifts into a Loam package which destroys him. (Tons of cards, recursive removal, unlimited removal for Mishra's factory)
Game 2, he drops a Leyline of the Void on turn 0 which means I need to play in a way that does not use my graveyard. It was not too difficult as my countermagic allowed me to build up and cast a Gifts Ungiven. I managed to get 3x Mishra's Factory in play and with Wasteland Stifled, they easily took the game (with their impervious nature to the sorcery speed removals of that deck).

Trying to be competitive without the resources is tough. This is what my cardpool allows but I am quite fond of the deck. I tested a version of the deck online on Tuesday but it went 2-2, winning something I can't recall, losing to a UR Painter deck, winning a ragequit burn deck, losing to reanimator. 

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