
Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Road to Kyoto '15 - 25/2/15

24 Feb
Tested Splinter Twin in Legacy. Found that there was too many efficient spells to fight against in the format to want to win on a 2 card combo that cannot go off on the turn it resolves. Might as well play Show and Tell or something if I am interested in going in that direction.
The next thing I want to test out would be Jeskai Ascendancy or Miracles.

25 Feb
Went down to the local cardshop since it was MTGO downtime and I wanted to ask around to see who would be going to GP Kyoto as well. Unfortunately, the local response wasn't too good. I guess it'll be a solo-trip.

I gathered some cards in the morning and made a deck on the spot. Went 2-2 with a makeshift BUG control deck that looks similar to my control decks but lacking quite a few cards because not everything was in the box I brought out.
I lost to URW Stoneforge and dredge, winning mono U Show and tell and Sneak & Show.
Surprisingly, my "old deck" seemed more relevant that I gave it credit for.
Perhaps I can try an update on the deck and add in new cards and see how this goes.
I am worried about Young Pyromancer and Monastery Mentor since my main go-to card would be Toxic Deluge. Monastery Mentor I have greater fears for primarily because I have not seen it yet and I am afraid that adjusting to it might be a challenge if I do it suddenly.

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