
Sunday 28 June 2015


The past two weeks, I've been trying out Food Chain and discovered the power of Carpet of flowers.
I went 4-0 and 3-1 and 3-2 with Food Chain for a total of 10-3.
Last night I designed a deck to crush miracles and show and tell but was forced a draw against reanimator (which I would have won with another turn) and lost 2 rounds to creature decks which my prototype was fairly weak to.  I'm having to figure out what I want to play for GP Lille next weekend. I have the infinite LCQs to do a final run but I probably would fall back to my delver deck that I am more familiar with unless I am more certain of the European metagame which my testing would probably be inaccurate for.

My modern gp run was 5-4 so I don't think I clocked much planeswalker points. I hope that next week would be a good week. Modern was quite crushing mentally with my deck hating me and me already hating the format but I think I should be able to hold my ground in Legacy. My target is the Legacy GP at the end of the year where I hope to get some crucial byes at. Lille would be a place to start to see what Legacy out of Asia and MTGO is like. I suspect the best Legacy players are in Europe but I'll see it for myself with my own way and put everything I have out there.

I hope I can clock some good sleep hours as I have a bad staying habit of getting too excited and not getting proper rest. I was really drained the past two days and I am going off to France in awhile.
I want myself to enjoy the GP.

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