
Monday, 16 March 2015

Dimension Robo~

On Saturday, I went with my brother's friend for a 2 man Vanguard tournament.
I wielded my brother's Dimension robo deck and my brother's friend played my DOTX deck.

I played DP because Daikaiser is still the most badass nonsense  (poorly designed because the fundamental game design is being attacked by its unique skill and the clan is so bugged) and Commander Laurel is also insane, especially since now most people have moved on to the perfect guards that can only guard the VG so the stride unit attacking the side, then restanding with Commander Laurel's skill would give a good handsize probably enough to tide you through the next few turns while trying to get to the end game of breakride + legion.

I have no idea why the tournament format is so ugly, with its double elimination 1-1-3 where two people play best of 1 games, if there is a win on both sides, the winners play a best of 3 game.
The single elimination portion of the tournament (top 16) was 3-3-3, best of 3, if there is a win on both sides, the winners play another best of 3 game.
It took about 4 hours to get through 3 rounds, after going 2-0, we were in the top 16 and we lost subsequently.
The only good thing was that the organizer offered cookies and gave everyone bottled water in the midst of the tournament and I thought that that was really cool. I've never seen this type of effort to give welfare to players. If I had a cardshop, I'd want to do that too.

There was a bunch of seeker decks that really rushed very heavily and they skip their g3 ride to get the first stride/legion. I am still debating on whether or not that odd play is a good move on their part because it seems fundamentally flawed but yet tactically reasonable.
In any case, I did not get to Shin Great Daikaiser over Daikaiser which kinda sucked and my last round hand was really bad (with a bunch of small triggers and nothing to really stride or breakride on).

Went back without anything but a playmat that I bought at $15. Jibril is so hot.

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