
Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Road to Kyoto '15 - 17/3/15

When I lost to the Marit Lage token last week, that loss really stuck into my mind.
I need an out to it or I would just outright lose to it.
With that notion in mind, I replaced Disfigure #2 for a Diabolic Edict.

I'm starting to think that perhaps a wider range would be more useful than an outright more efficient spell. Technically I have better game against Show and Tell, Marit Lage etc and it serves the exact same purpose against Stoneforge Mystic (unless there is a Deathrite Shaman beside it).
I think I might like that it catches Nimble Mongeese as well and can let me come back when paired up against True Name Nemesis. I'll be testing it a little. I do not think that the extra mana in the cost would come back to haunt me more than the added flexibility. If it does pay off, I could consider switching out Disfigure #1 as well. This does weaken the elf matchup if anything but I've been seeing more Emrakuls than Wirewood Symbiotes so it might make more sense.

I have also removed a 4th Ponder and put in a Gitaxian Probe last week as I wanted a way to fish out information against RUG so that I can better optimize my plays because there is a lot that goes into the sequencing like fetches/wastelands/Stifles/Daze that matter in the early game and that information really makes things very different.
(There are 3 different Ponder arts too. Just saying.)

I have a Bitterblossom replacing Delver #4 to test for now but I'm a little worried that it doesn't pair well with Dark Confidant (which could be replaced with Dig Through Time).
I'm not sure how this impacts the deck. I used to dislike Delver #4 in Classic (where I played it the most) so I want to test a cut on it to see if it makes any difference and test Bitterblossom at the same time.

Have to come up with a refined sideboard as well. Still internally debating on what to use and I need to buy Thoughtseize #2 too.

I'll see how I fare tonight.

There is a modern deck that isn't too far off in terms of card selection so I think I should be going that direction when it comes to GP Singapore in June since I can finally play in it.

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