
Sunday, 31 May 2015

GPT 30/5/2015

So I recently pieced together a Grixis twin deck, evolved from the Grixis delver deck.
I took it to a GPT and spent some time deliberating on how to go about with the sideboard and tried a 2x Bitterblossom and 4x Spellstutter Sprite configuration to try to play as a faeries deck in game 2.
I think that idea extended from a 2 Bitterblossom slot and some influence from a guy playing a UW control deck with Spellstutter Sprites. I also wasn't sure of what I wanted so I could as well just try and see where it all goes while figuring out what are the tools I need.

The change itself wasn't too bad an idea but I think that the important part would be to accurately identify the decks whereby that strategy is good and where I should fight over the combo more.
A half baked faeries deck isn't going to get too far.

Playing twin itself was a challenge because I ended up giving up 2 games where I could have won otherwise (on hindsight of course) but I had to be able to identify windows of opportunity to attack.
For example, in a game my opponent tapped out and cast Geist of Saint Traft and I could cast an Exarch. I topdecked Splinter Twin after that and would have won on the spot if I had just cast the Exarch in anticipation of a possible Splinter Twin. I lost the opportunity and the game.
The other instance was when my opponent cast Inquisition of Kozelik and I didn't cast the Exarch although I had double Splinter Twin in hand in fear of a Liliana.

I went 3-2 and dropped. I won collective, lost to URW Geist, won a GBW deck with Lingering Souls, won amulet bloom and lost to Jund (made a mistake of changing into the faeries deck).

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