
Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Preregistered for GP Lille~

GP Lille's webpage is here.
I booked a hostel that is half an hour walking distance from the event location.
I think I'll probably be walking there but I don't think I have much to complain about.
(Need to plan my Paris trip and book the stays)

The GP playmat looks wicked. It's Sensei's (friggin) Divining Top~

I preregistered for the main event and Infinite GPTs. At Kyoto I did 3 so for the same count the money is probably worth it.

Also. I'm back to streaming (figured out what was wrong with the setting of the streaming program) and will be streaming about twice a day for Legacy and maybe a Modern DE if I get to it.

I went 4-0 and 2-2 for Legacy today. Perhaps I'll find something different I want to play along the way but for now it's the NaoDelver list I'm using. I guess being stuck at home isn't all that bad.

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