
Tuesday 21 May 2013

Blasters still in the works

Every night, I try to clock a few Vanguard online games in an effort to be more proficient and to get more cards.

When you play an online game, you get cards you don't already own. 2 for a win, 1 for a loss. Thankfully, I have managed to keep a positive win ratio.

I am hoping to slowly grind into the promo section after the normal sets fill up. :(
The SP rarity is killing me. And I finally see why they are worth so much. Lol! It's like 1 in a box or something.

Also, my deck build is gradually changing. I have downed a few 4Xs in an effort to test out more efficient builds for the deck.
The testing methodology is the same as my Mtg approach. Thankfully, Vanguard is somewhat similar to legacy in how diverse my opponents can be so I can apply my diversification ideas properly without harming the entirety of the deck.
I've seen the opponent's builds and tried out ideas as time went by. I think the deck has come a long way since the first iteration as it has since taken a different approach. However, it still looks different from others as I don't run the 10k that attacks for 13k. Perhaps out of stubbornness or just my plain disliking for a g3. I still believe that G3s past the first are generally liabilities.

For my G3s, I have an Alfred (just added to test this slot but probably going soon) and a Soul saver dragon (temp replacement for Exculpate) now together with a Pendragon (currently a perm staff) along with a Gancelot (mostly to find Blaster blade) and 2x Majesty lord blaster.

For my triggers, I started out with 4 of each to understand them better and now I reached 1 stand, 5 critical, 6 draw, 4 heal.
Basically, critical and stand are offensive and draws are defensive. My split of 6-6 comes from this reasoning. In my opinion, stand triggers are slightly more aggressive for a long game because standing splits up the guarding requirements as compared to a critical which consolidates the attack power. This reduces the effectiveness of 10k guards and perfect guards and taxes more on a guarding hand. Criticals are harder to take into account for but are perfect for closing games when they do hit.
Given the nature of the core sequence of Majesty lord blaster's skill, the value of having stand triggers greatly drops but I still think that the value of a copy of the first stand trigger is much higher than the marginal value of the 6th critical trigger which is why there is a 5-1 split.

I decreased the number of Wingal braves and trimmed some 4 ofs to introduce some extra elements such as a single Toypugal and 2 Lien. I was wrong on my Wingal brave assessment. 4 is too much given the nature of the game.

It shouldn't be long before I settle on a permanent build.

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