
Monday, 11 August 2014

Road to MOCS 2014 Day 12 (13 QP)

Last night, I did 2x Legacy DE, going 4-0 in both.

There is a video record of it here. (Not sure how long these videos are held)

Round 1 vs storm.
Game 1, I get stormed out without much effort.

Game 2, I manage to control the board and beat down. I kill a random Young Pyromancer along the way (while he held on to rituals).

Game 3, is as below. I can't tell how the game got to that state but looking at my hand with a boatload of countermagic, I do not think I would have lost that. Seeing that Dark Confidant is in the graveyard, I probably used Cabal Therapy flashback to knock out cards and used Surgical Extraction on Infernal Tutor.

Round 2, I faced RUG.

Game 1, by the time I went down to 6, I had True-Name Nemesis in play with Punishing Fire to clean up creatures. If he had double Lightning Bolt I would have lose there but he did not. I had an active Liliana sitting there ready to mess the game up.

Game 2, Punishing Fire sets the pace of the game and I sit comfortably with a growing hand with many answers. I casually play the squid and have Brainstorm to protect it. I let it clock up and beats him down to 6. He uses Gitaxian Probe and sees that I am not sandbagging lands but a full suite of business spells and promptly scoops. Not as if he could deal with megasquid anyway.


Round 3, I face the horrific Cloudpost deck.
Game 1, I try my best to disrupt his progression but he gets further ahead via Primeval Titan. After awhile, he gets Eye of Ugin and I scoop.

Game 2, I go aggro on my opponent with Deathrite Shaman and Vendillion Clique.
I disrupt him enough to have Mindbreak Trap and Snapcaster Mage to recast it and that is the safest every route I can take as Mindbreak Trap does not actually counter anything.

Game 3, my opponent keeps a hand with green cards, colorless lands but no green mana. (Thankfully)
I resolve Liliana and Jace (fateseal mode) and I draw into Intuition to get my loam lock and try very hard to knock off lands. There was an instance where I targeted a Vesuva (according to the client) but it somehow changed into a Thespian Stage. I climb to Jace's ultimate and am open for a turn but he does not have an answer and scoops.


Round 4, I face the Food Chain Misthollow Griffin deck.

Game 1, I Engineered Explosives an early Food Chain and I his creatures and I have Far/Away when he has Consecrated Sphinx (PHEW). I got the game there.

Game 2, I managed to get an early Isochron Scepter with Counterspell on it. It gets Pithing Needled.
I managed to assemble the Dark Depths combo have been tempo-ing his Misthollow Griffin with Jace's bounce. He scoops there when he figured that he had no outs.
(Thankfully I did not have to face any Force of Will-ed Misthollow Griffins from his side)


I was quite happy to be 4-0 (finally) and decided to join in the next DE anyway.
Round 1, I faced BUG.

Game 1, I kept a double Force of Will hand and I did not have much pressure. I managed to slowly control the game with Maelstrom pulse on double Deathrite Shaman while leaving Liliana in play. (I had Creeping Tar Pit).
I resolved Jace and I managed to be ahead with Life from the Loam (plus Wasteland).
Game 2, we fight at the very early game and I get hit by disruption while a Tarmogoyf joins the fun alongside Deathrite Shaman and a flipped Delver of Secrets.
Without a way to deal with his multiple threats, easily succumb to his board.

Game 3, we have a close game, trading left and right but I get Squid into play and I draw land for Jace, the mind sculptor. I manage to use Jace's Brainstorm twice before he uses Liliana to make me sacrifice it. Out from the megasquid spewed a horde of isopods all backed up by counter magic.


Round 2, I face a Enlightened Tutor deck (for the lack of a proper name).

Game 1, my opponent gets the Thopter Foundry + Sword of the Meek combo early and manages to stop my attempts to stop him.

Game 2, the game comes down to me resolving Keranos and me saving it from a Detention Sphere. I think I won this game on Jace's ultimate.

Game 3, my opponent passes the turn twice and I see that his hand is a Serra's Sanctum and make him discard his Land Tax (which I believe was his way to come back into the game). Resolved Jace and simply went all the way.


Round 3 vs Miracles.

Game 1, I lose to a bunch of Angel tokens and do not have an out.

Game 2, I attack his white lands and he is stuck on just Islands facing a Bob, Deathrite Shaman and Jace. He scoops there.

Game 3, I keep a slow hand and the game goes slow. We fight over resolving Keranos and I get mine. My opponent scoops without bringing it


Round 4, I face Storm.

Game 1, I have a very slow hand of Force of Will, double Jace, 1x Liliana and 1x Intuition.
The game progresses slowly and I try to keep the game but I fail to find an answer for the goblin tokens that eventually spill down.

Game 2, I have board of creatures, he has some tokens, I get Golgari Charm which kills my guys too but I have double Deathrite Shaman to clean up.

Game 3, my opponent has a very mana-lite hand. I let him keep his discard spells while I try to advance my board since I am sure that he is not going off anytime soon. I get Jace into play and thankfully I get to start using it. I start building up my hand and disrupt his plays. I would not lose with a hand filled with countermagic but he times out anyway.


With my double 4-0 finishes, I am comfortably set to get into the qualifiers needing only 2 more QPs. I do not expect to be able to clock 35 QPs to get into the main event but we'll have to see how things go.

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