Last night, the 7pm Legacy DE failed to fire and I got into the Vintage DE at 8pm and double evented the Legacy DE at 10pm. I ended up going 2-2 in Vintage, 3-1 in Legacy. I need to quickly figure out a good Vintage build as I have not been making the money for some time and it does not help that the payout sux.
Vintage DE:
Round 1, I face a Bob deck.
I'm not sure if I won a game but the 2 games I lost came down to Voltaic Key and Time Vault and me not being able to do anything. Game 2, he had a low life count and Dark Confidant out but he had Snapcaster Mage for Vampiric Tutor into Lightning Bolt. Game 3 I did not have enough to fight its resolution.
Round 2 was against a BUG deck with Mystic Remora.
Wasteland and Standstill went a long way in this matchup. I do not recall much other than that but Remora isn't very strong against a deck that runs under Standstill.
Round 3 was against Oath of Druids.
Surprisingly I won game 1 on the back of Mishra's Factories facing an active Oath of Druids.
Game 2 was more stable as I managed to keep Oath off. I use spirit tokens and factories to beat down.
We fight over Time Vault but it does not really matter as I have Engineered Explosives for 2 in play.
Round 4 vs Dredge.
My maindeck does not have any outs vs dredge so I scoop game 1.
Game 2, he has double Ingot Chewer (1 of which I have Force of Will) but I can't stop #2 and he went all the way.
My maindeck does not have any outs vs dredge so I scoop game 1.
Game 2, he has double Ingot Chewer (1 of which I have Force of Will) but I can't stop #2 and he went all the way.
For the legacy portion, round 1 I faced Zoo.
I won game 1 on the back of Wasteland plus Life from the Loam, locking him out.
Game 2, I deal with the creatures on the board but I get hit by 3 damage burn spells.
I won game 1 on the back of Wasteland plus Life from the Loam, locking him out.
Game 2, I deal with the creatures on the board but I get hit by 3 damage burn spells.
Game 3, I control most of the game quite well but I get hit by a 12 point price of progress.
Round 2, I face BUG with Hymn to Tourachs, Tarmogoyfs, Thoughtseize, Abrupt Decay.
I don't recall much of the game because I was toggling between the Vintage and the Legacy DE and playing on an autopilot mode. In any case this matchup can be closed up easily with Marit Lage since it's uncounterable and they do not run Far/Away like I do.
I don't recall much of the game because I was toggling between the Vintage and the Legacy DE and playing on an autopilot mode. In any case this matchup can be closed up easily with Marit Lage since it's uncounterable and they do not run Far/Away like I do.

Round 3, I face Omnitell.
I lose game 1 with a hand with creature kill spells. I side in my boatload of hate.Game 2, I have 2 Intuition and I get one countered, and resolve the second, getting a plethora of discard spells which ultimately go a long way.
Game 3 was in a similar fashion and I had the natural Dark Depths + Thespian Stage to end the game.
Round 4, I face UWr Counterbalance (with MD REB?!?!? (what a bad move -_-"))
It is a good matchup but it usually takes a lot of time to play out.
It is a good matchup but it usually takes a lot of time to play out.
Game 1, my get into a very advantageous position but I do not have counters.
I end up using Marit Lage and I managed to use Jace's Brainstorm ability to find Counterspell.
When I attack, he Tops for Entreat the Angel but I stop it.
Game 2 is as below. I get out 2 of my "good vs UW" cards but they meet Council's Judgment plus Snapcaster flashback. Otherwise, I would have gotten very far.
In any case, I manage to stick Isochron Scepter down with Counterspell on it. I mess up some Intuition picks (MTGO v4 problem) and I end up having to do it again with Snapcaster Mage to find my Marit Lage kill. In any case, I end up with just about 5s left on the clock as I beat for 23 points.
In any case, I manage to stick Isochron Scepter down with Counterspell on it. I mess up some Intuition picks (MTGO v4 problem) and I end up having to do it again with Snapcaster Mage to find my Marit Lage kill. In any case, I end up with just about 5s left on the clock as I beat for 23 points.
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