I had a very decent deck, highlights being double Flametongue Kavu, double Man-o'-war and double Ophidian.

Unfortunately, in round 3, the memory leak caught me and made me lose a significant chunk of time, especially when the game did not load once I got back in, forcing me to restart and go through the 5 minutes of horror. I ended up needing about 5 more minutes to comfortably take the game.
In round 4, I faced a very aggressive GW deck and lost to it and I was out for the count.
The deck was pretty much as good as it comes but I guess it is too much to ask for to have a smooth path to run a good deck into. =/

I joined a Legacy DE after that.
Round 1 vs storm
My starting hand had a Force of Will plus some removals. Force of Will was taken away and my opponent went off. Unfortunately I did not have another counter magic to stop him. I did try to make it look like I might have drawn one.
Game 2, I got into an odd situation when my sided Dark Confidant was put under a Standstill and I took big chunks of life totals. I ended up at 1 life and cracked my own Standstill to cast Jace to keep me from dying.
With his newfound cards, he cast Empty the Warrens and Flusterstorm did not do anything in the face of extra mana. I could not find a sweeper.
Round 2 vs Merfolk
Merfolk is any blue deck's bane. I had a decent opening but could not get double black for Liliana and I was blown away by Phantasmal Images copying True-Name Nemesis.
Game 2, I managed to stick an Isochron Scepter with Far/Away. Unfortuantely, sacrificing one creature a turn was not enough without additional removals.
0-2 drop

Overall, I found that Dimir Charm was useful enough to have over Darkblast, finally being able to kill a Mutavault. It would have been good against Infernal Tutor as well (if I had drawn it). I think I would keep it in.
I think that I have a feel for the matchup numbers now.
Jund - 55 (I have punishing fire too)
Miracles - 70 (abrupt decay advantage and I'm a better control deck)
RUG - 50 (they have more wasteland nonsense than bug)
BUG - 60 (punishing fire, wasteland loam)
Storm - 55 (depends on how much hate I draw)
Elves - 45 (if i get enough removals and stop glimpse/natural order)
Burn - 30
UR burn - 25 (they can do it slower)
Painter - 45 (pyroblast is naturally gd vs blue)
D&T - 60 (punishing fire)
Omnitell - 60 (easier to hate on than storm)
Reanimator - 50 (can be very rough)
Sneak and Show - 55 (sneak attack is harder to stop than dream halls)
I think I wanna work on my sideboard to give myself a little more edge.
I should be ready for MOCS and the big irl Legacy tournament once I replan my sideboard.
I need 2 more QPs!!!! GAH.. I did not get any this week!!!
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